JWs are the reason i almost didnt get the best job i ever had!
Dont know if i have ever shared this but this thread on employing JWs probably is a good home for it...apologies if not.
I was unemployed, not long off the regular pioneer list seeing that we had just had a baby. Reality had set beck in and i had to leave what had been a pretty idealic time (working part time both of us) and head back into full time work. So there i was on a stinking hot day, delivering junk mail when i decided to call into the local jon service. Found a job i thought i could do and made the phone call....
Introduced my self to the boss who asked what my work history had been and i got to the 4 year pioneering part, "engaged as a full time minister doing evangelical work with jehovahs Witnesses" (what a crock of shit we told ourselves) his immeadiate, unhesitating reply?
"in that case i have no interest in employing you at all, goodbye"...
I managed to catch him before he hung up and asked why...I was pretty desperate for job. So he allowed me to explain a bit, he told me about a recent employee who "was a JW and was nothing but a pain in the arse". After some quick thinking and ad libbing about how we are not all like that he said "well you have mangaed to talk your way into an interview...but you are going to have to work hard to sell yourself"
And I did, and he was impresses enough to tell me as far as he was concerned the job was mine but his wife would be very opposed to it. next day i get a phone call to come for a second interview with the wife. he had told her (she worked in the firm as well) that the guy he wanted for the job was another JW and well, lets just say she was NOT enthusiastic, and i had to work harder to convince her that i would be ok to employ.
I got the job.
The JW was still working there when i started and boy was it obvious why he didnt fit in...he was always preaching. every time one of the 15 other workers had a birthday (so there were plenty of them) he would make a point of going into the typical JW speel about birthdays being pagan...(as if it mattered to these people) needless to say, they 'persecuted" him without mercy.
JWs as employees can do a great job in turning dozens of people OFF the witnesses. This guy turned off more than he could have ever hoped to convert in 2 lifetimes of missionary service.
And the best part?
The people that worked there became friends, the boss and his wife remain to this day (19 years later) the very best friends i have ever made. They saw me transition from full on JW to where i am today. The staff like to think they had a hand in 'corrupting me', and they did...
to them, a big thankyou!